How to Polish Rocks
- Fill your rock tumbler 60 to 70 percent full of rocks. Start filling with water until you are 1 inch below the top of the rocks.
- Add the coarse grit. approx. 4ozs
- Run tumbler for 7 days and nights.
- Remove rocks and water/grit mix. Clean rocks in a colander. Clean barrel thoroughly. Do not wash down the sink drain.
- Put the same rocks in barrel. add water. Add fine grit 4 oz. Run for 7 more days and nights.
- Repeat step 4. Add 1 oz of pre-polish per LB of rocks. Add water as above. Tumble for 3 days and nights.
- Repeat step 4. Add 1 oz of polish for each LB of rocks. Add water as above. Tumble for 7 days and nights.
- Repeat step 4. Add mild powdered detergent and water as above. Tumble for 12 hours.
Clean your rock tumbler barrel thoroughly after each use. Your tumbler should provide many years of enjoyment if properly maintained.